Confidential Advisor

A safe sporting environment is important to all. As a club, we strive to provide a safe environment to all, but it is possible that you have encountered a situation where you did not feel safe. In these cases, you can contact our confidential advisor.

Internal Confidential Advisor

Within our club, we have an internal confidential advisor who is always ready to lend a listening ear. You can contact Maartje Lommen if you have encountered a situation that you wish to share with someone who is not directly tied to any committee or the general management of All In. You can send an email to, or contact her by phone at 0615534418.

External Confidential Advisor

If you wish to discuss a situation that has occurred with someone outside the club, you can contact the national Confidential Advisor for sport in The Netherlands. Centrum Veilige Sport can be contacted by phone at 0900-2025590.

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